San Diego Brittany Club
Membership Application

Name of Member (Dues $30.00)

Street Address

City, State, ZIP Code

Telephone Number (with Area Code)

E-mail Address (optional)

Associate Member(s) (Dues $3.00 each Associate)

Optional donation to Brittany Rescue (tax deductible) $__________

Total Amount Enclosed


Please list your particular interests (hunting, shows, pet, etc.):

Please list special skills, abilities or interests that you could contribute to the club.


Print this form and mail to the address below.
(Please enclose your check payable to the San Diego Brittany Club

San Diego Brittany Club
Susan Kerns
7360 Florey Street
San Diego, CA 92122-2815

Dues: $30.00 per individual Member plus $3.00 per Associate Member

Send us e-mail